Monday, August 28, 2006

This video frightens me greatly. :0 . Even more than this /
Yesterday was official flick a ladder day. So proclaims Devon*.To celebrate we all went over to Shawn's house and had an Axe fight. I still smell like Phoenix. And Gravity (which isn't as good). From now on every August 27 is flick a ladder day, today is Cody has a random $21 in his shoe day, and tomorrow will be everyone goes to the beach at my house and enjoys it day. So proclaims Devon. I bet your wondering who Devon is. Well you'll just have to read his biography when he becomes famous. Famous for what? That's for us clairvoyants to know and for you to find out. Ha. :P. Before I go, I found these two Shakira themed videos. Check 'em out. Ok so they're not exactly Shakira themed but they have " hips don't lie " in them.
Quote of the week "I'm gonna make a toaster. Make breakfast cookies. Spooky comes from toaster. SPOOKY IN THE TOAST!!! Yum yum yum. Now its done". -Cody Adams
*Devon es ze coolest person in ze world. Do not deess heim.
I theenk hees name es spelt Devin but I am not shure.
'E es not clairvoyant, I am. Au revoir.
Teh French accent
Yesterday was official flick a ladder day. So proclaims Devon*.To celebrate we all went over to Shawn's house and had an Axe fight. I still smell like Phoenix. And Gravity (which isn't as good). From now on every August 27 is flick a ladder day, today is Cody has a random $21 in his shoe day, and tomorrow will be everyone goes to the beach at my house and enjoys it day. So proclaims Devon. I bet your wondering who Devon is. Well you'll just have to read his biography when he becomes famous. Famous for what? That's for us clairvoyants to know and for you to find out. Ha. :P. Before I go, I found these two Shakira themed videos. Check 'em out. Ok so they're not exactly Shakira themed but they have " hips don't lie " in them.
Quote of the week "I'm gonna make a toaster. Make breakfast cookies. Spooky comes from toaster. SPOOKY IN THE TOAST!!! Yum yum yum. Now its done". -Cody Adams
*Devon es ze coolest person in ze world. Do not deess heim.
I theenk hees name es spelt Devin but I am not shure.
'E es not clairvoyant, I am. Au revoir.
Teh French accent
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Heyo* my people. Yesterday Chris and I were walking up from the park and we heard this sound that sounded like a nasally duck. So we kept walking and we heard it a few more times. Then we saw this cat with these really nice eyes. While at the cat this kid rides up on his bike. We start to leave and the kid starts following us. After a while he makes the "duck'' sound. Then I say "omigod we thought that was a duck''. Then Chris whispers "I think he's stalking us". So then we keep walking and he makes the sound again and I jump halfway to Arizona. When we get to the corner we decide to break into a run and he keeps following us. Near the top he says very matter o' factual "no human is faster than a bike". Then we say even more matter o' factly "every human is faster than a byke*, bykes don't move by them selves". Then he says shut up in the duck voice and leaves. Thend.
*Heyo is a greeting that I made up.
We say byke because we're cool
*Heyo is a greeting that I made up.
We say byke because we're cool
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Grrrrrr please!!!!!!!>:C
EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes that's right ;ladies and gentlemen, Mr. park association strikes back. Out of nowhere he attacks. We did nothing, but does he care, noooooooooo. We were just innocently playing around having fun and all of a sudden he starts warning about not throwing rocks. Again, we.. did.. nothing. And again he he starts going on about the age restriction and that i'm not even 2 months over it. Nice going cody telling him are names and ages. He is evil. May 1000 mosquitoes bite him sharply and upon the ear. YARO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

This is my first real post. I've got some things to say. I found this video of the characters from Legend of Zelda dancing. Its live action.
We (my friends and I) were watching Video on Trial and it was stated that Kevin Federline has the sex appeal of a burnt piece of toast. We laughed through to the next video. On another episode they reviewed bust Rhymes' I love my chick but it sounded like he was saying dick.
Quote of the week "I find this video guilty of exploiting an innocent bear" -Dini Dimakos
Monday, August 21, 2006
Welcome to my blog. There will be non stop conflict and drama, so stop by every day to update.